Tuesday, November 11, 2014

"To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often."

- Winston Churchhill

What is it about change that scares people? I had an experience today that made me ponder this question. For about a year, I have wanted to dye my hair a dark colour. I presented the idea to quite a lot of my friends today, getting pretty negative responses.
"But I'm used to your blonde hair!"
"No, that's an awful idea. Don't do it."
"People always regret changing their hair colour."
"You'll look so pale."
It's not that I don't love my blonde hair, but don't you ever dream of changing? Of the positive possibilities that could result? Or are we as a society so comfortable in the state we are in that we aren't willing to take risks?
Now, I'm definitely not trying to compare me changing the colour of my hair to the standards of society. That'd be a stretch. But metaphorically, I think it makes sense. We are too set with who we are and what we are in a current state. Dare we change that?

But then there were also the few friends that were excited for me. Told me I'd look lovely with a darker shade.
"You'd look so pretty with it."
"Don't listen to them, it will be a great change."
"Who cares if you look white. It would look amazing." 
I had one friend who brought up a good point.
"People are so rude. Yes, it will take some getting used to, but it could totally be stunning. I wish that people didn't shut down everything so quickly without giving it a chance. It's not that big of a deal if you make a hair mistake." (thanks Jessica.)
We shut down ideas so quickly in fear that something might go wrong. Something may not turn out the way we hoped.
But let me tell you now, that's life.
And if we didn't take risks, we'd all basically be robots. Monotone in our decisions. Choosing the option that has the most secure outcome.

And where would we be if we did that?

1 comment:

  1. Oh hello there. I love you and this blog oh so very much. So I think you should post some more. Thanks
