Friday, January 23, 2015

The minority.

For some reason I've been dreading posting this. But here you go. I really liked how it turned out.

In Utah County, Utah, if you look in any direction you should be able to see a LDS church off in the distance.

A study done in 2005 says that a little over 62.1% are LDS. But what about the other 40%? Mixed religions take this area up in small numbers; and those that identify as "unaffiliated" took up only 16%. While this also includes those who choose just not to pronounce themselves as belonging to any religion, this small group is even smaller when simplified down to include agnostic atheists, atheists, etcetera. 

I am a part of that group. 

Living in Utah as an atheist in Utah County, I am a part of the minority. 81.2% of Utah County belongs to the LDS church. 
So I took to Twitter to do a small survey myself.

(Those I talked to were not aware of my atheism. All participants were LDS.)

I'm going to share some answers that I received.

What do you think atheism is? What do they believe in/don't they believe in?

  • "They don't believe in a God, I think. I don't know how they think we got here. 'Evolution'?"
  • "Isn't it where you reject beliefs?" -I thought this was an interesting example of how many seem to know or understand so little about atheism.
  • "I don't know much about it but, they don't believe in a God."
Do you know any atheists?
  • 3 of 21 participants knew an atheist- whether personally or just aware of one.
When you hear the word, "Atheist", what do you picture? How do they look, act, etc.
  • "Not the same standards. Like swearing, tattoos, body piercings, the way they dress, it's all different."
  • And a favourite from Kassidy Barrus: " They are normal people. Some rich some are poor. Short, tall. Just like everyone else. Some are nice, some are mean(...)."
Try to put yourself in the shoes of an atheist living in Utah county. How do you feel?
  • "I'd feel like the minority. I'd be afraid to tell people because they may stereotype or judge me."
  • "It'd be hard. Because the Mormon community basically runs Utah. I'd always feel judged."
  • "I'd feel out of place because of the Mormons and judgmental people." 
  • "People would probably judge me a lot, and I'd feel surrounded by the LDS religion."
Almost every person I talked to used the same word in their responses.

Have you ever thought about the religious population in Utah? A lot of the time when I meet someone I just assume that they are LDS. And I cannot be the only one. I'm going to say it's a safe bet that over 75% of you that read this will only now find out I am an atheist. But that doesn't make me any less of who I am, does it?

I actually had a funny encounter the other day in Fitness class. A girl saw my second earring and was shocked. I asked her what was surprising. "Hanna, I totally thought you were a huge molly Mormon!" And lately, as my stance on religion has become more aware, I've been getting that a lot. I think that is a good example that religion does not define you. It's simply a part of who you are.

And finally, and excerpt from my dear friend Kassidy Barrus when asked what she would say to an atheist. 

Twitter: HannaRuita

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